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Makani DX

Makani DX

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Regular price $16.50 CAD
Regular price Sale price $16.50 CAD
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Say Aloha to the Makani. Makani is Hawaiian for "great wind". The Makani is designed to ride the breeze and land where you throw it. The Makani will make you better at throwing flying discs in general. Low weight and clean true flight dynamics will develop your throwing form. Makani is perfect for fun casual play. But versatility is the Makani’s middle name. Play catch, Ultimate, and even disc golf with this versatile flyer.

Best Choice for: Playing catch, Accuracy, Pre-round warm up

Plastic Type

  • DX line offers the widest selection of models and weights. These discs are affordably priced and provide an excellent grip in a variety of weather situations. DX discs wear in with usage and over time will eventually take on new and varied flight characteristics.
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